Monday, August 13, 2012


Okay lets play a little game called weekend ketchup.

or catch up, rather.

Here goes.

I am grateful that My sister-in-law, Kristin, had an amazing birthday on Saturday. The Marsh and my siblings took her out dancing. It was sooo much fun.

She seemed to have alot of fun, something she doesn't really allow herself to do very often. So i'm grateful that we gave her the chance.

I'm also grateful for the following picture, because it's obviously amazing. and obviously proof that the night did indeed turn out to be great.

I'm also grateful because while we were out and about, My good friend Corey, whom I've blogged about before, was also out and about in the same part of town, and we managed to meet up for some drinks and dancing. something we both have previously wanted to do but somehow have never managed to make it happen.


Let's see what else happened?

OH YES. my car got towed. yup. while we were out dancing.

I'm extremely grateful that the whole process of finding out where the car actually was and getting it back only took about an hour. I'm grateful that my grumpy ass sober designated driver husband handled the whole situation with an eerie sense of calm. i'm grateful that he still hasn't started yelling. i haven't forgotten though. it was $95 to get the car out of the lot. and even though my bro was kind enough to give marsh some money, the next time The Marsh is feeling the money squeeze he'll mention it. I JUST KNOW THESE THINGS.

I'm grateful that my hangover on sunday was brief.

and that i only got sick once.

I'm grateful for anyone who continues to follow this blog after that TMI.

I'm grateful that today The Marsh and I managed to tag team some of the household chores. I got the lawn mowed and he descaled my coffee maker and washed some laundry.

I'm grateful that for the first time since the end of June I got to see my best friend, Kristy, who is finally back in Maine after her extended to trip to Europe. I'm also grateful for the adorable coffee mugs she brought back from London for me. One says "keep calm and eat cupcakes" the other says "keep calm and drink wine" they complete me.

She also got Miss G the CUTEST god damn hat ever. and little miss looks freaking adorable in it.


She also got the breyman a tshirt from Spain that has the logo for one of the Barcelona soccer teams on it. Also adorable.

I think thats it for now.

I have some things that I'll be grateful for tomorrow (hopefully) but I think I wait until then to be grateful just in case.

I hope everyone else had a great weekend, and just as much to be grateful for.

Thanks for reading!

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