Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Creepy Crawly Part Seriousy I Don't Even Think Any Of Us Are Keeping Count Anymore, Do You?

I've mentioned that I live in the woods before, right?

Trees. They're everywhere.

AND 98% of me is totally okay with that.

I don't like people very much, so this seclusion thing sort of works for me.

but THE BUGS. They're also everywhere.

and this dry heat is bringing our the spiders like woah. my basement looks like the set of Arachnophobia. and everytime I walk outside I get that awful gross feeling of steping through a spider web. yuk.

so far, however, i have been dealing with all of this fairly well.

and then today happened.

It started out simply enough, my brother called and asked if I could give him a ride home from work. no biggie. I got the babes outside and into the car. I noticed there were some spider webs around the side mirrors but didn't see any spiders. so i got into my vehicle, rolled the windows down, and started to head out. Then my daughters says "Look, Mom, a spider!" i freaked out a little, not knowing where it was, but turns out it was okay because the spider was hanging outside the passenger window. I knew it would fall off once I picked up speed, but I rolled up my daughter's window in the back so it didn't blow in onto her.

if only i knew the chain of events I just set into motion..

My son, Brey, apparently thought that because I rolled up G's window, there was a chance that the spider could somehow ninja it's way over to his window, so he rolled his up. meanwhile, unbeknownst to us, a hornet had made it's way into the car. and flew right at brey's window. which was now rolled up.

so while I am driving down the road at 35 mph...all of a sudden i hear the horrible blood curling scream and my son is undoing his seat belt and hurling himself into the front seat of my car. i still had no idea what so going on, but then G started screaming and crying too. that's when i noticed the hornet. in hind site, i could have just opened the window, but my brain wasn't working, i think it was in shock. so i stopped the car (right in the middle of the road, the other positive aspect of living in the boonies) jumped out of the driver's side and ripped open the back door in order to let the hornet out. all while screaming not so very nice words. then i had to calm down my hysterical children and get brey re-strapped into his car seat.

i think the whole incident added 10 years to my life.

So, what am I grateful for in all of this? Well, I'm grateful that there wasn't any other vehicles around. because we seriously could have caused an accident. I'm grateful that with all the screaming and flailing that noboady managed to get stung, becuase that just would have made everything that much worse. and i'm grateful that the fucking spider that started the whole thing was on the outside of the car. because i don't think my brain was capable of handling both the spider and the hornet on the same day. let alone the same car ride.

creepy crawly indeed.

Thanks for readinG!

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