Thursday, March 15, 2012


Tonight I'm grateful to have satisfied a craving.

I've been craving this particular food for about 3 weeks give or take.

Why haven't I given in before tonight? Well, I really don't have a great answer for that, but i'm sure I can find a way to blame The Marsh. cause that's what I do when I don't get something I want.

and exactly what was I craving? what was I deliciously dreaming about?

Wendy's new Asiago Ranch Chicken Club.

please ignore my 600 calories.

I know. Here I am corrupting America further by rejoicing in some fast food. Well if being grateful for this bad boy is wrong, then I don't want to be right. It's delicious. as most things that are bad for you are. I digress...

I tried this little slice of perfection for the first time on news years day when The Marsh and I stopped for a quick bite before seeing the american version of The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo. (which was very good, btw) and I've pretty much been wanting another one since I finished the first one. The Marsh said and I quote "You should be grateful to anyone who came up with the brilliant idea to add (to the already spectacular bacon and ranch combination) zesty chicken and funny named cheese." Do I concur? Oh yes. I concur.

except for the little part where The Marsh didn't get any me any french fries. because he didn't hear me asking him on the phone to pick me up some. Trust me. I did. even my mother who was standing the room with me said I asked him at least 4 times. He, however, is sticking to his story. So while I find myself feeling satisfied to have fulfilled my craving at last, I'm only giving it 4 out 5 possible stars. because you know, no fries.

and now I've given you another excellent example of first world problems.

Thanks for reading!

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