Monday, March 5, 2012

One Day at a Time.

Today I am grateful that after a long weekend of trips to the ER, antibiotics, and spending the today in the hospital, my father in law is home. and seems to be doing ok.

You remember I started this blog because the year didn't exactly start off too hot. and one of the reasons was finding out my father-in-law, Bob, has stage four lymphoma.

Brey likes to chill with Gramp and watch his shows.

Bob had already been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis in the spring of 2010, so getting the results back about the cancer was a double blow. But he's had two rounds of chemo so far and he's taking it like a champ. he doesn't even seem that phased about his hair falling out. which i think is just a complete injustice, considering he's made it to almost 60 without so much as a receding hair line.

He's been really strong through this whole ordeal. I hope that if something like this ever happens to me that I can be as positive as he's being about the whole thing. He was even talking about how excited he is to go back to disney with the babes again.

On friday The Marsh got a call from his mom that she was taking Bob to the emergency room because he was having trouble breathing. He's done well so far with his pulmonary fibrosis with not needing to be on extra oxygen but the danger of infection in his lungs is extremely scary. They did some blood work and took a chest x-ray. turns out he had some fluid in his lungs. which is never a good thing. He was allowed to go home and was put on some antibiotics, but was back at the hospital today so they could drain some of the fluid. (sorry if this is a little rough for those who may be sqeemish out there.) They only did his right lung today. but they drained 1100 ml from it.

1100 ml.

now, I'm not that great at math or the whole metric system. but I do know wine bottles. And the average size of a wine bottle is 750 ml. and this was 350 ml more than that.

poor guy. no wonder he couldn't freaking breathe. My mother-in-law thought that he was going to be put on oxygen after this but draining the fluid brought his pulse oxygen level back up to between 93-94% so he was cleared to go home without a tank.

a positive in all of this is I over heard my sister-in-law, Kristin, telling The Marsh that his cancer has gone down. or stopped progressing or whatever the hell it is you call it when it's starting to get a little better. so at least we know that the chemo is working. little victories are always nice. And while he still has a long road ahead of him, tonight I'm grateful that he's back at home and breathing a little bit easier.

Here's Bob and Kristin in disneyworld. Kristin is soo cool she
wears her sunglasses at night.

I know The Marsh wishes that this would all just be over. That his dad would be in remission and be ready to take on the world (or at least my kids) again. like yesterday. but right now all we can do is take this one day at a time. and be grateful for every single one of them.

Thanks for reading!

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