Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Close Call.

Today I am grateful for close calls.

One of the fun things about being a parent to multiple children is the daily struggle to keep them from killing each other. With the babes being only a year apart, this is a process we go through everyday. some days are more intense than others. my mother can vouch for this. she once got a call from the school principal because my brother and I got into a fist fight in the cafeteria. with each other. we were laughing about it 15 minutes later. my mother wasn't.

today was one of the more intense days.

It all started because my daughter likes to pull out all the pots and pans and turn them into drums. in her search for drumsticks she found the bamboo skewers I keep with my baking supplies. I use them to test cake readiness and add coloring to frosting. tooth picks are for the weak. then she decided she was going to pretend she was knitting some weird foam toy that just happened to belong her brother. he was not amused. or wasn't in the mood to share. or whatever. so being the older, stronger brother he is, he attempted to take it back by force.


Georgie decided she wasn't having that. so she stabbed him. with the bamboo skewer. right in the side of his head. which ended up being the upper cartilage part of his ear. I was so horrified it took me a minute to even believe it had just happened. and then brey started bleeding everywhere and screaming. Georgie ran down the hall to her bedroom and slammed the door. smart kid.

after getting Brey all cleaned up the damage wasn't so bad. just a small puncture hole. looks like a piercing but doesn't go all the way through. and I'm so grateful that was all. if she had gotten him any lower she could have shoved that skewer right into his ear canal and done god knows what to his ear drum. if her aim had been more crazy she could have gotten him in his face. or his eye. I don't even want to think about that. I understand at 3 years old she didn't understand the consequences of what could have happened. I know it wasn't malicious. but she wasn't allowed out of her room for 15 minutes. which is about 4 hours in toddler time.

the one thing she had going for her is that breyman is such a softie. when georgie asked if she could come out and play again and I told her 'no' brey got mad. at me. "But I love Gerogie, Mama. You need to leave Georgie alone!" Like I was the bad guy in this whole scene. when she was let out we had a little chat about what could have happened and then i told her she needed to apologize to her brother. she gave him a kiss and told him she loved him. it was sweet. don't think I didn't notice she didn't actually say 'I'm Sorry." she gets more like The Marsh everyday.

anyway, I'm grateful brey's still in one piece. it was a definately a close call. I always breathe a little easier when they make it through the day with only minor injuries. which is why I'm also grateful no one got cut when an hour after the great bamboo ear incident the two of them broke one of my wine glasses. I said. today was one of those more intense days.

Thanks for reading!

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