Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Favorite Co-Worker.

Today I am grateful for being a member of my favorite team.

Let's call it, Team Mom and Dad.

There's me, of course, playing the role of Mommy. and then there is The Marsh playing the role of Dad.

To these little monsters.

Oh sure, they're adorable now. But you don't even want to know what I had to do to my toilet to get it to flush after my son was done with it today. and that little miss right there? she has attitude to the moon. she gets it from her father.

and while I wouldn't change one little thing about this crazy little life we've got going on here, there is no denying how challenging it can be to have two toddlers just 13 months apart in age. If there is anything in this world that I am absolutely grateful for, it's that I have The Marsh here drowning in the craziness with me. I have the highest respect for single parents. single moms, single dads, whatever. I am amazed at you. Rick Santorum be damned. When my son was 6 days old and I was exhausted I remember The Marsh took Bear downstairs for a little bit so I could try and take a nap. I looked right at him before he disappeared down the stairs and said "I don't know how anyone does this alone." of course, I do know. They just do it. It has to be done, they don't have a choice. But I count my blessings twice everyday that I'm not among them.

It's not as though today was particularly taxing. I managed to get some yoga in, cleaned the bathroom a little bit, picked up my living room, vacuumed, spent some time with my sister, and managed to keep my kids from tearing my house or each other apart. OH! and I also got up this morning at 6:00 am and took the trash and recyclables out because The Marsh forgot to on his rush out the door this morning. which wasn't exactly the highlight of my day, running out in the FREAKING snow in my nightgown and ugg boots. (note to self: be grateful we don't have close neighbors.) What I didn't get done today that I wanted to was the dishes. well, I DID load the dishwasher and run that. but I didn't wash the ones in the sink. but you know who did? The Marsh. right after he got home from work. without me even asking him. and it gets better. then he made me tacos. He's a keeper.

I always love it when The Marsh is home too. He works ALOT of hours, so I'm used to it just being my babes and I chilling (or you know, screaming and yelling) here at home. but when he comes home he jumps right in. He's never once made me feel like his job is more important than what I do staying home with the kids. He recognizes that we're a team. and that we've both had long and equally exhausting days. his just took place elsewhere. We make it through the evenings by tag teaming what needs to get done and spending time with the babes. and as I've mentioned before, I put Bear and G to bed and then The Marsh reads them their bedtime story. giving Mommy 10 minutes of alone time.

I came across this picture and thought it
was incredibly accurate.

So today and everyday I'm grateful for the little team The Marsh and I make. and that my co-worker is hot.

Thanks for reading!

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