Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Corpse Pose.

Today I am grateful for yoga.

For years I have wanted to try yoga. Last spring when I started running I knew I needed to start doing some type of excersize to work out my abs and core because I didn't want to have any back pain. Any potential new runners out there? Don't run without working your core. your back will stop speaking to you. or you know, stop working. anyway, I knew I needed the core work, but I hate crunches. and sit ups. I have a decent sized chest and I feel like it's suffocating me when I attempt to do either. So I thought, maybe I'll give yoga a try.

I ordered The Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga because I love that show and love Bob Harper.

and I love to look at him

Everyone on the show always talks about how intense Bob's yoga sessions are so I figured this would be a good place to start. I really enjoy it. well, I'm not quite sure "enjoy" is the right word. usually while I'm doing it I'm cursing Bob's name. But it definately works. after doing it all last summer I wouldn't say I really lost any weight, but I definatley could tell i was leaner. and I had some new muscles I didn't have before.

The website Hulu also has a ton of yoga videos as well. I've recently done a few of them and I think the cardio yoga is my favorite. It's one of the Wake up with Gaiam videos.

I'm really glad I started trying yoga. It can be a peaceful, meditative experience. or it can be pretty intense. there have been sessions that I've done and the sweat is just pouring off me. I couldn't even imagine doing bikram yoga. those studios are heated to 105 degrees! (although I've heard that it's really good cross training for runners. It helps with endurance and breathing control). i'm not particularly flexible. nor do i have the greatest balance, but I still manage to do okay. Plus, I have some old knee injuries, so running puts enough stress on them as it is. I like my cross training to be a good workout, but easy on the legs.

I think I've reached the point where I'm ready to try a yoga studio. I'm debating if I should take a beginners class because I've never been to a studio before or if I should just try and jump into an easy/moderate level class. There are a few around here that I've looked into. the only thing that has stopped me from going so far is time. I already head out a couple times a week to run in the evening after my husband gets home. The idea of finding time to go to a yoga class as well just seems crazy. I know that there are a ton of mothers out there who manage this kind of thing but I just haven't figured out how to do it yet. Maybe i'll just invest in another couple DVDs that I can follow along to while the children are home for the next year or two. Then I can start going to a studio while they're in school. That seems like a very stay at home mom thing to do. People shall ask "oh, what is it that you do all day while your children are in school?" and I'll reply "Well, I go to my yoga class. and then come home and have a margarita while baking cupcakes."

That'll be me. Living the dream.

If any of you are considering yoga I HIGHLY recommend it. and while I haven't been so diligent in my practice lately, I fully intend to get back on the bandwagon and do it at least twice a week. reason number one being summer and bathing suit season are coming. reason number two being that my sister and I practiced this afternoon and I'm almost embarrassed by how fucking out of shape i was. So the plan is to do more yoga. and enjoy more yoga. which should lead to enjoying more life. and who isn't grateful for that?

Thanks for reading!

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