Wednesday, January 9, 2013

She Hulk.

Today I am grateful that I can manage to move things around on my own.

now, lets be realistic.

I'm a five foot three female and i'm certainly not a body builder. but i like to think i do okay when i'm really determined to move something.

you see i'm the type of person who has to do things when the mood strikes. or else it will never get done. feeling the need to clean? it has to happen in that exact moment, because lord knows when that feeling will ever come back. it's just how i operate. when i want something done, i want it done right then. no if, ands, or buts about it.

the problem? sometimes this happens when The Marsh is at work.

okay so this generally almost always happens when The Marsh is at work.

but like i said when i feel motivated i have to do something about it. this was the direct result of my completely emptying a room in my basement, moving a pool table by myself that i had watched both my brother and The Marsh struggle to move in together and then painting said room and turning it into my kids current playroom. all before The Marsh got home from work at four. that was about a year ago or so now, but my behavior is still the same. today when The Marsh was at work I wanted to finish rearranging the furniture in the kids bedroom, so I moved their giant ass clothes dresser and Breyman's bed. by myself.

now i realize that lifting things that are way too heavy for you can be dangerous. my dad had double hernia surgery when i was in the 3rd grade. i remember the staples in his stomach. i don't exactly want that to happen to me. and i do try to be smart about moving things. but you know what? I'm grateful that i don't have to rely on someone else to help me if i need to move something in my house. there are a lot of women out there who are incapable of moving heavy things on their own, and i have no intention of being one of them. i'm grateful that i have a body with enough strength to accomplish what i need to accomplish. it's like my body was made to accommodate the whims of my "it needs to happen now" moods.

also i'm grateful for it because even though i have a wonderful husband who can move heavy stuff for me, i think it's always good to be a little bit independent. just in case something ever happens. hopefully it's a non-issue, but i don't ever want to be stranded in a situation where i can't take care of myself. even with something as simple as moving a dresser.

and even though i don't consider myself super strong, it always make me laugh a little bit when The Marsh calls me his she hulk. although i'm not sure why. that doesn't exactly seem flattering now, does it?

Thanks for reading!

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