Monday, October 8, 2012

Chalazion Take 2.

Today I am grateful that The Marsh made it through another eye surgery relatively unscathed.

and he didn't even feel faint or pass out.

So I'm grateful for the tip I recieved about him drinking orange juice before having any kind of local anesthetic. apparently it helps with low blood sugar. and since we have the sneaking suspicion that low blood sugar, as opposed to him being a big wuss, is actually what is causing The Marsh to feel that faint feeling, we decided to try out the orange juice theory today. score for a successful outcome.


As you may remember, The Marsh had surgery on his eye a few months back to remove a couple chalazions that were growing under his upper and lower eyelids. The surgery completely removed his upper one, but a few weeks ago he noticed more growth under his lower lid and it was really beginning to bother him, so he called up his doctor and got a follow up visit. She told him that basically his body went into super healing mode and just never stopped healing, causing the growth to form over the previous incision. solution? more surgery to remove the growth.

Right before his surgery today, The Marsh did have one heart stopping moment because his doctor told him that she was going to send a piece of the growth to pathology. because continuous growth could be a sign of cancer.


my husband's doctor just looked right at him today and told him that he may have cancer.

i'm glad i wasn't in the room. i probably would have flipped my shit.

BUT as soon as she cut into the growth it erupted. i know, i know. this is completely disgusting. but i have never been so grateful for something so disgusting in my life. she said that because the growth was "goop" (her words, not mine) it was more likely that it was just a hyperactive healing response...and not cancer.


so yea.

I'm grateful The Marsh can hopefully stop complaining about his eye bothering him. I'm grateful that he didn't faint. or even feel like he was going to faint. and i'm grateful that he doesn't have cancer in his eye. cause we would put that at the top of the list of Things That Suck The Most In Life.

Thanks for reading!

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