Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Today I am grateful...

That it rained. and washed away most of the snow. it meant i didn't have to brush the snow off my car at 6:00 this morning.

I am not grateful, however, that I got soaked every time i walked outside today because it was fucking pouring cats and dogs.

yes. actual cats and dogs. if you missed it too bad for you.

Let's see, oh yes.

I'm grateful that my secret santa seems to have not quite figured out that I have them yet.

I'm grateful that today wasn't too busy at work considering we're heading into a holiday weekend.

I'm grateful that I managed to get to the store today to pick up the rest of the gift boxes I need. and I'm grateful that almost everything i've ordered online has made it to my house without fail. so no minor heart attacks there.

I'm grateful that The Marsh made tacos for dinner. I'm grateful that I picked up a new bottle of wine. I'm grateful that i managed to get both of Breyman's teacher's presents taken care of today. but i'm not grateful that i freaking forgot to pick up more capri suns while i was at the grocery store to bring to Brey's school christmas party tomorrow.

over all it was generally a pretty boring day. but it certainly didn't suck and I got stuff done, so who wouldn't be grateful for that?


about last night.

i'm talking about the blog.

or lack of blog.


but anyway.

this is what happened. I was finishing up doing something on the computer. god knows what. i'm sure it had something to do with star trek. when suddenly The Marsh decides that he wants to watch Battleship. which I really had no intentions of watching, so i figured I would read a little bit and then write my blog. yea about 10 minutes later I was so sucked into that movie that i wasn't doing anything else. and while parts of it were kind of lame, over all I would say it was a good movie. A bit cliche. I mean, really. A guy who has issues with authority and gets himself in trouble then saves the planet from aliens and suddenly gets command of his own ship? I think I have heard that one somewhere before. but no matter. it was good. and if I had been grateful for something last night it probably would have been Alexander Skarsgard.


Thanks for reading!

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