Thursday, December 13, 2012

That's A Wrap.

Today I am grateful to have my wrapping for Christmas all done.



so it's not ALL done. but anything that was in the house as of today and needed to be wrapped...was wrapped. we still have a few packages that we're waiting on in the mail, and The Marsh still needs to get his shit together and finalize his plans for his parents gifts...but other than that, we're good.

and it's only December 13th.


I come from a long line of procrastinators. and I'm a procrastinator myself. like, still buying presents and wrapping like crazy on Christmas Eve.

but tonight my Mother-in-law had my babes and The Marsh was working a little bit late so I thought "What the heck, I'll wrap my family's presents and get them out of the way.

So I grabbed a glass of wine, put on some Dr. Who (nerd, remember?) and then away I went.

Now, even though I'm not exactly a huge fan of Christmas, I do enjoy wrapping presents. and making them super pretty. this year's theme, however, is make the presents as impossible to open as I can. It will be amusing to watch everyone try and get past the ribbon and glitter poinsettias.

A little while into my wrapping The Marsh came home and we decided to tackle the kids presents in order to eliminate any last minute craziness. (I also married a procrastinator.) As we were wrapping up the gifts I actually mentioned to him that it was weird getting it all done ahead of time instead of marathoning it on Christmas Eve. He just looked at me like I was crazy. "I'm too old for that." was actually his response. After I picked myself up because I fell over laughing I just simply said "You obviously didn't grow up at my house. We were the only ones who had parents wake us up at 3:00 am to open presents because they had just finished wrapping them."

true story, bro.

and while I'm sure there are some fun memories that my parents have associated with those blitz wrapping sessions, tonight I'm glad that we got the bulk of it done. I feel like this time of year there is just so much going on all the time. It's hard enough to keep life on track, so why not just make it a little bit easier if you have time. right? right.

So I'm grateful that we're done almost done.

and I'm grateful for all the pretty presents now sitting underneath my Christmas tree. like I said, I enjoy wrapping. and glitter. so it's pretty much a win-win situation.

Have you started wrapping yet?

Thanks for reading!

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