Friday, December 7, 2012

The Beginning of the End.

Today I am grateful that my son takes an adorable picture.


he is my child.

but I will admit that a couple weeks ago when it came time for him to take his first ever school photo, I was nervous that they might not come out so great. Breyman sometimes has a tendency to stick his lower jaw out really far when smiling for a picture. or doing this weird thing where he makes his eyes look really big and creepy. it's a talent he picked up from my little sister.

anyway, i knew it wouldn't be the end of the world if he made a funny face, but it was his first ever school picture. and i really wanted them to turn out nicely.

this mama had nothing to worry about.

Isn't he the most adorable thing you have ever seen in your life?

I'm so grateful and happy that they came out sooo good!

of course after gloating over how beautiful my child is, i then realized I was holding a school picture of my baby boy. a SCHOOL PICTURE. as in, i have a child old enough to have his school pictures taken. i've had to overcome alot of feeling about him being in school, but i somehow wasn't prepared for the feeling a fucking school picture would stir up in me.

last night while The Marsh and I were getting ready for bed I just looked at him at said "This is the beginning of the end." 

okay so I admit that it was a touch dramatic. but if you think about it, it's really true. this is the start of many more school pictures to come. and what happens when the school pictures stop? it means your babies are all grown up and done. and while that will be special in it's own way, my brain isn't ready to process the fact that my son has started on that journey towards the end.

so while I'm extremely grateful he took such a great picture, i'm also grateful that it was just his first. and that we're still at the very beginning of this new journey.

Thanks for reading!

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