Saturday, July 14, 2012

Post Party Problems.

Today I am grateful that my eyes no longer feel like they are trying to climb out of my head.

Let me explain.

We had a big gathering at my momma's house last night.

It was amazingly fun. and we had a super great turn out. Lots of friend's and my immediately family celebrating the fouth of july about a week and a hal too late. cause that's how we roll around here.

I had a fabulous time and had quite a few margaritas and there was kereoke and a hot tub. the perfect mix for a friday night party. i crawled into bed (and when I say "bed" i mean my momma's couch) at somewhere around 5:00 this morning.

Two hours later, I wanted to die.

no, i wasn't hung over. or suddenly experiencing any delayed sickness from drinking. it was my eyes. they felt like they were literally on fire. burning their way out of my fucking head. my only thought was that it was some sort of delayed reaction to the chemicals in the hot tub. this was reinforced by the fact that when I rubbed my eyes with my hands (which i hadn't washed since being in the hot tub) my eyes felt even worse. i don't even know how at that point it was possible for them to hurt more. but apparently anything is possible. I tried just keeping my eyes closed. I really didn't want to get up and deal with them because like i said, i had only been asleep for about two hours. but after laying there for another hour or so I had to get up. tears were constantly streaming down my face. i wiped my eyes with a wet paper towel. i used a wet wash cloth and even flushed the shit out of them at the sink for a while. nothing really seemed to help. i was doomed to endure blood shot eys and painful tears for the next several hours.

and I AM SO GRATEFUL THAT THEY ARE FEELING BETTER NOW. They still bothered me for hours, but somewhere around 5:00 this afternoon i took a quick 45 minute cat nap and when i woke up my eyes finally felt a little bit better. i'm convinced i put myself into a Vulcan Healing Trance. it's the only explanation for such a miracle occuring.

they are still slightly blood shot. and a little bit scratchy. but the level of pain is no where near the same. and i am so grateful for that. i'll also be extremely grateful if the universe could decided to not play that particular joke on me anytime soon. I would really appreciate it.

Universe-1, Alana-0

damn it.

Thanks for reading!

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