Thursday, July 26, 2012

Paranoia, Paranoia.

Have I mentioned yet that I'm Paranoid?

about you know, everything?

and I happen to feed my paranoia on occasion.

I can't help it, it's like a sickness.

and tonight's giant helping of Paranoia came in the form of Nature's Deadliest: Brazil.

you see I am entirely too scared of animals. I mean bears are adorable right? but that doesn't mean that they won't eat you. and sure Great White's may not be "man eaters" but that hasn't stopped them from eating a man on occasion. so I tend to avoid the woods. and the water. and after watching that documentary I'm seriously questioning whether or not I will ever actually make it to Brazil.


killer bees and frogs and spiders and snaked and scopions and FREAKING SNAILS!

that's right... snails! there is a sea snail in Brazil that is literally one of the deadliest marine animals in the world. as if I didn't already need another excuse to NEVER go back into the ocean. and caterpillars! I can't even begin to describe the horrible death these nasty little creatures cause. i may be traumatized for life.

so what does all this animal paranoia have to do with being grateful? I'm extremely grateful that all of those creepy animals LIVE IN BRAZIL! and not around this sleepy little town that I live in. My brother mentioned the other day in passing while we were hiking that he was glad there were no venomous snakes or spiders in the woods. and after watcing that program I am doubly grateful. I couldn't imagine walking around knowing something so deadly could be lurking anywhere. or being terrified of reaching for a bunch of bananas. I'm also extremely grateful that i don't have to worry about my babies playing outside because of god knows what being out there. so maybe living in a small new england town isn't exactly exciting, but paranoid people like me tend to like life just a little bit better that way.

Thanks for reading!

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