Saturday, July 28, 2012

Cool Whip.

Today I am grateful for Cool Whip.


I love Cool Whip.

and you know what is even better? when you forget that you even have Cool Whip. completely untouched, never been opened, still sealed in the package of god damn deliciousness it came in Cool Whip.

le sigh.

 i could really keep going on.. I mean I have a few loves in my life. The Marsh. my babes. nutella. and I'm telling you Cool Whip is right up there at the top of the list.

i know what you're thinking. If I love Cool Whip so much, how did i forget that i have some? I'm a Mom. I'm lucky if I remember to put pants on.

but today little miss georgie for whatever reason was going on about how when we go to the grocery store we need to get milk. and whip cream.(she is SOOO my daughter)  and the minute whip cream came out of her mouth and was like "OHMYGODTHEREISSTILLCOOLWHIPINMYREFRIGERATOR!!!!" just like that. all one big run on sentence in my mind.

I would say that i'm a bit ashamed as to how quickly i made my way to my refrigerator to make sure my Cool Whip hating husband hadn't tossed it out, but i'm really not. it was an emergency people. and yes, it was still there. TODAY IS A DAY OF GLORY.

okay, i'm done now. but i needed you all to know my love for cool whip.

and you all already know i'm always grateful for food.

so yea.

good times.

and i'm going to go now to end all the crazy awkwardness about my love for Cool Whip.

Thanks for reading!

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