Friday, July 20, 2012


Today I am grateful for fireworks.

because tonight right before the babes' bedtime, we had an impromtu fireworks display right outside the house.

You see, fireworks have been illegal to buy and set off in my state forever. not that that's stopped the occasional person from buying some across state lines and setting them off before, but it's certainly never been a very common occurance around here. up until a few months ago, that is, when buying and playing with fireworks became legal around these parts.

now, several towns have actually placed laws against fireworks use, so they're not exactly running rampant. but you do hear the booms a bit more frequently. especially where I happen to live right by a river. the sound of fireworks can carry down a river for miles.

I haven't personally been affected in any way really by the sudden allowance of fireworks, but i know a couple co-workers have mentioned how obnoxious they can be where your neighbors are setting them off all the time. Like i said, that really hasn't been much of a concern for me. mostly because I'm pretty sure I live in one of those towns that have banned the fireworks.

apparently this guy wasn't going to let that stop him.

around 9:20 pm or so I heard the first boom. I looked out the window, not really expecting to see much of anything, but sure enough, right over the trees I saw them. Of course I had to shout for the babes to come see them. and after a minute or two The Marsh and I realized this guy was setting off a TON of fireworks, so The Marsh got up and shut the lights off. The Kids stood in the windows and I sat on my couch and we took in a 10 minute fireworks show. right in my living room! and they actually were pretty spectacular, with a mini grand finale and everything. I don't care what you say, that's pretty freaking cool. It was also super conveniently timed, because it was literally right before B & G's bedtime. so we ended the night with fireworks and then a bedtime story.

seriously. how can you NOT be grateful for that? fireworks that you can watch....and then not have to walk back to the car and wait in traffic to drive home and carry sleeping children into their beds? oh yes. i am grateful.

Thanks for reading!

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