Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mums The Word.

Today I am grateful for quiet.

but not in the normal "oh my god, my house is actually freaking quiet for a few minutes" kind of way.

Tonight was The Marsh and my's very first parent teacher conference with Breyman's teacher.

and what did she have to say about him?

"he's very quiet."


Now, to be fair, I'm not actually totally and completely thrilled that he is so quiet. I don't want him to be shy and not feel like he is able to communicate with others. but she said that he does talk to his peers when he wants to and that he lets her know when he does need something. he's just quiet in the classroom.

on one hand, The Marsh and I were completely aware that him not saying much was a real possiblilty.

the reason I am so happy that he is, in fact, actually quiet is because on the other hand we knew that the other possibility involved running around and screaming about darth vader. or Orcs. or some other fictional creature.

we were a little scared that we would be receiving a phone call that brey was pretending to be in Lord of the Rings and pretending to decapitate other students that he thought were "orcs".

and while being an Orc Slayer is definately can see why The Marsh and I were happy to hear that Brey is being a little bit reserved in class.

We were also happy to hear that his teacher doesn't seem to think that Brey is having any real pronounciation issues, and she has no immediate plans to recommend speech therapy, which was something else we were a little worried about.

it went very well.

now, i'll be grateful if all future parent teacher conference could please follow suit.

Thanks for reading!

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