Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dog Shaming.

Today I am grateful for the Ultimate Dog Shaming Video.


So I have been grateful for some pretty silly stuff in the past, but this one may actually claim the top prize.

I couldn't help it though. I can't rememeber the last time I laughed this hard.

Have you heard of dog shaming yet?

yea, okay. so overall it's pretty dumb, but can sometimes be funny.

and then something comes along and steals all the awards.

this video man. i don't care who you are or what kind of day you are having, this video will make you laugh. or at least smile. if you don't crack a smile during this video, I am convinced you don't have a soul. or you may possibly be Satan.

Now, the thing with the video is..most of it is just kind of adorable. and maybe a little bit funny. BUT THEN THE END. you have to watch the video all the way to the end. i think i may have actually wheezed I was laughing so hard.


Did you laugh?

please tell me you did?

Anyway, I'm grateful for this video because I believe laughter really is the best medicine. and even though nothing is currently ailing me, I think it's a video i'll keep in my back pocket for a day I really need a pick me up. or maybe to show a friend who may need one too.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Maymo approves of this message ;-) If you don't believe me just check my facebook page: facebook/maymothelemonbeagle
    biggest love

  2. I love Maymo! If my beagle knew, he would be jealous.

  3. Dog shaming pics (and this video in general) always make me laugh when I am having a bad day.
