Friday, June 22, 2012

Lost and Found.

Today I am grateful that I didn't lose my bracelet.

that i've had for less than a week.

I tend to lose things. it's a bad habit. and considering the last thing i lost my my beautiful sapphire ring that The Marsh bought me for my 23rd birthday...i knew if i didn't find this bracelet, he would never buy me anything again.

It was just so dumb on my part. this morning on the way to The Marsh's work, i was trying to put it on. and i really struggle putting it on by myself because i wear it on my right wrist and my left hand is completely useless. so after giving up, i set the bracelet on my lap and planned to try again when i got to work.

well, that would have been all fine and dandy. but before I got to my work, I dropped The Marsh off at his. and because he was driving, I had to get out of the passenger seat and walk over to the driver's side. do you see where this is going? i completely forgot the bracelet was on my lap when I got out of the car. it wasn't until later when I was at work and looked at my wrist that I realized what happened.

cue panic attack.

I called my husband's work and asked if anyone had found a bracelet in the parking lot, but no one had. later when I got out of work and had to pick up The Marsh i checked again. but still nothing. I was so bummed. I couldn't believe I managed to lose it all ready. but as I was walking away apparently another officer heard the woman tell me that there wasn't a bracelet anywhere and he remembered seeing one. So they stopped me and had me do everything short of fucking give them a DNA sample describe the bracelet and he told me he thought someone had found it. 5 minutes later there was The Marsh walking into the lobby with my bracelet in his hand.

I'm just so grateful to have it back. and I'm so grateful that this particular officer just happened to be in the right place at the right time to over hear them telling me no one had seen it. and i'm grateful that now The Marsh isn't going to boycott buying me more jewelery. I still have a few more pieces I would like to get!

Thanks again for reading!

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