Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Domestic Goddess.....maybe.

Today I am grateful for my family.

I'm grateful that they are there for me whenever I need them or have a problem I am trying to solve.

even the dumb ones.

Today it was finally NOT RAINING. and because I am hosting my sister's graduation party this weekend, I decided to mow the lawn.

Now, I have used a lawn mower before. I grew up mowing at my parents and have actully even mowed here at my house. a few times. But today I was feeling brave. today I was going to tackle the RIDING lawn mower. because i am a domestic goddess. I can cook. I can bake. I make my own frosting. I planted a freaking garden. I can mow the lawn. I am woman.

as you've probably figured out by now, I was a little over confident.

I climbed up on the mower. and then just looked at it for about five minutes trying to figure out how the fucking thing even turned on. But I managed. i even got it moving! Ah-ha. Wile-e-Coyote. SUPER GENIUS. but upon moving i discovered something. the blades weren't moving. and I couldn't figure out how to turn them on.

Cue Family.

So I tried calling my dad. but he didn't answer.
and then I called my mom at work. and she tried to walk me through it. and then she got in touch with my dad and he called me back.
and then he walked me through it again.
still nothing.
so my dad called my husband at work. and told him to call his useless wife. because i couldn't get the lawn mower working.
a 30 second phone call from The Marsh later and i was in business.

I'm not gonna lie. It was so easy to turn the blades on. not one of my better moments. BUT, i am grateful that I was able to call my parents and bother them with my domestic problems. and i think that they were happy to help. or try to help. it's better to help the daughter whose having domestic goddess problems at her house, because it means I'm not living at theirs.

and i know how to make pie. which is a plus.

Thanks for reading!

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