Sunday, June 3, 2012

the greatest meal on earth.

today i am grateful for the greatest meal on earth.

well. that you can make in about 15 minutes.

or at my house, sometimes in as little as five.


I'm not even a little bit ashamed about being grateful for a quesadilla. because one. we've already established that I am always grateful for food. and two. it's a freaking quesadilla. it's what delicious is made out of.

at my house we like to buy chicken, cut it up and cook it all. we usually make quesadillas with the first batch, and then store the rest for super quick quesadillas the rest of the week. because there is no reason why you shouldn't eat them more than once a week. hence, why sometimes it takes 15 minutes and sometimes five.

today while The Marsh was at work, I was dreaming about having them for dinner. oh sure, I could have made myself one for lunch. but they obviously taste better if someone else makes the right? so within about four minutes of The Marsh walking in the door i planted the seed. actually as I'm sure you can tell I don't really do subtle. so i told him what i wanted for dinner. and bless that man he made it happen.

I'm still on a quesadilla high, i think. I just love them so much. It was a quick easy dinner. and warm too. I had originally thought about doing sandwhiches, but it's been pouring like a bitch  here all day long. so I wanted something warm. and I wasn't feeling soup either.

I'm telling you all right now, make yourself a quesadilla. it's a hug rolled up in a tortilla. do. it. now.

Thanks for reading!

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