Monday, November 5, 2012

Monkey Bread.

Today I am grateful for monkey bread.


previously established.

i'm always grateful for food.


I'm Lana.

and I have a food addiction.

it's a tough life, really.

anyway. monkey bread. delicious.

I'd never had it previously to today. a few weeks ago The Marsh saw the recipe on the back of a pillsbury biscuit container and decided he might like to try it. i finally got around to making some today and let me tell you. not time wasted, my friend.

You basically quarter up a bunch of small sized pillsbury biscuits (before cooking) and shake them up in a ziplock filled with granulated sugar and cinnamon. The recipe is for 4 containers and you are suppose to mix 3/4 sugar with 2 teaspoons cinnamon. I only used 2 containers of buscuits so I halved all my ingredients. after placing all of the dough pieces in a greased bundt pan (or you know, a regular cake pan if you are cool like me) mix 3/4 cup packed brown sugar with 1/2 melted butter. then pour over the dough. now the recipe said "pour" but my mixture was kind of thick, so it was more of a "spread" but either way it got the job done. bake at 350 for 30 minutes and you are good to go.

i'm telling you.

make this like yesterday.

sorry I don't have a picture for you.

I have been too busy stuffing my face to be able to stop and take a picture.

but believe me when I say I am grateful! and also hate Pillsbury a little bit for putting this recipe some place where my husband would find it. it can't be light on the calories.

Thanks for reading!

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