Wednesday, April 25, 2012

safe and sound.

Today I am grateful for another safe flight.

not mine.

but my older sister's.

My sister, her fiance, and my adorable niece all flew out to Washington State this morning to officially meet her new future in-laws. considering we live in New England, this wasn't a little flight. and it was my niece's first flight as well. all the way across the country. my sister informs me that she handled it beautifully, she even managed to sleep the last four hours of the plane ride.

Anyone who knows me knows how much I hate to fly. and knows that I may be a smidge paranoid. So even though I knew with almost my whole being that they were going to be fine, I obviously still worried. I actually started panicking a little bit when it hit 10:00 pm or so and I still hadn't heard from her. I wasn't exactly sure what time she was supposed to be getting in or how long her layover in Texas was, but I felt like I should have heard from her. Our weird sister ESP must have been going off in her head right about the same time because less than two minutes later she texted me to say they had just landed in Washington. and then she called to tell me how well the trip went and how great Theresa (that's my niece) did.

I am so grateful that everything went well. and that they landed all in one piece. I know that supposedly flying is safer than driving. but my mind is literally incapable of accepting that logic. you're flying in a tin can. it's scary. So tonight I send a little prayer of thanks to the god of safe air plane flights and sleep a little bit easier knowing that they are okay.

I, of course, am completely ignoring the fact that I will be worried all over again when they fly back in two days.

Thanks for reading!

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