Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mushy Mush.

Today I am grateful for Hulu.


Have you checked out Hulu yet? If you haven't, you really need too. like, yesterday.

Well, I guess if you are one of those cool people who have cable, or dish tv, or whatever...i guess you don't REALLY have to check it out. but still, you should. Hulu is a website that has soo many tv shows available for viewing the day after they air. I know that alot of individual stations play their shows on their own websites, but Hulu has shows from all different stations available in one place. which is super great for me, because I don't have cable, and have to catch up on all my shows via my computer.

My top runners right now are Bones, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Castle, Dancing with the Stars, GCB, Glee, Grimm, Once Upon a Time and I'm on again off again with The Biggest Loser.

yea. I know. I watch alot of TV.

I'm not apologizing for it.


and if any of you follows any of those shows, you know they span more than just one station. I like being able to sit down when the kids are asleep or otherwise occupied and just power through a few episodes. all in one place. without having to move from one website to another. and sure, alot of the shows I watch are on ABC, so I guess I could watch them all at one station's website at a time. but i don't like feeling forced into anything. if i wanna watch a show on fox right after catching up on Castle, I'm gonna do it. i'm crazy like that.

I discovered Hulu about a year and a half ago and I have no plans to stop using it anytime soon. and The Marsh is grateful for Hulu because i haven't even so much as mentioned getting cable to him, because I really don't need it. Yes, sometimes on a sunday night i wish i had cable to i could curl up with a glass of wine and watch Once Upon a Time as it's airing. but i don't think that watching it on monday morning (actually it's usually more like wednesday by the time i get to it) with a cup of coffee is so bad. it saves The Marsh money, which he is always grateful for. and it keeps him from using the "B" word with me. you know, Budget. and anytime he isn't using the word 'budget' is a time that I am grateful for.

Thanks for reading!

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