Sunday, April 29, 2012


Today I am grateful for a very fun weekend.

On Saturday morning The Marsh and I headed out for a 3 hour drive to Boston for a little getaway. It was a beautiful day. and a very enjoyable drive. even though it was a bit windy. The purpose behind our getaway was for my very dear friend David's wedding. and if a wedding isn't something to be grateful for, then I don't know what is.

The wedding was held at The Seaport Hotel in Boston, which is absolutely beautiful. We also stayed there for the night, liking the convenience of walking back to our room at the end of the reception. which just happened to be open bar. much easier than having to keep a designated driver :0) .

We lucked out with our room too. It was  very very nice, a corner room on the 11th floor. Which meant lots of windows.

and now presenting...a window!

The view wasn't super spectacular, but hey, we were in Boston for the night sans babies. It was like a little slice of heaven. The Marsh and I sported some of our finer clothing for the evening and attended the wedding. It was a very nice ceremony. David and Alison were previously married last fall in a small ceremony, so this was an affirmation of sorts for them. The pastor made a lot of jokes about it in good humor. and The Marsh and I enjoyed it because we did the exact same thing, choosing to be married in a small ceremony, then doing it again on a larger scale a year later.

The reception was fun. The Marsh and I had a fabulous time people watching. and we even made it out onto the dance floor a few times. I'm also grateful that I got a chance to share a dance with the groom. we danced to I'm Sexy and I know it. It was perfect.

After the wedding we went back the hotel and the original Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie was on. JACKPOT!

On top of having an amazing night, we then got to see my beautiful best friends Kristy and Christine this morning for brunch. Christine's birthday was on friday, so this was a little birthday get together for her. She absolutely loved the cupcakes I made for her the other night. and now that she has received them I'll tell you what they were. They were Guinness Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate Bailey's Ganache filling and Bailey's with of Caramel Buttercreme Frosting. They came out very well. and I couldn't be happier.

The Marsh and I enjoyed our little mini vacation so much. It was wonderful to get away, even if only for a night. I'm also so very grateful that The Marsh works so hard so that we can take an overnight trip to Boston without worrying about how it's going to effect our budget for the rest of the month.

I hope that everyone else had a wonderful weekend too. The sunshine was nice, but I'd be grateful if some of this wind died down. jeez.


We also let Temperence stay out all night while we were gone. I knew he would be miserable if I made him stay in all day, so I took a chance and left food on the porch for him. I'm pleased to say that he managed just fine. but he's now currently curled up on the couch next to me enjoying some love and warmth.

I'm grateful that he made it through the night okay. His mama worried!

Thanks for reading!

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