Friday, September 7, 2012

Mr. President.

Today I am grateful for Barack Obama.

I am grateful that he is the President of our United States.

I am grateful for the wonderful things that he has done in his presidency.

ending the war in Iraq.

giving the order to kill Bin Laden.

the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell.

I'm grateful for everything he hopes for America in the future.

affordable student loans and lower interests rates.

health insurance that the lower middle class can actually pay for.

women having the right and freedom over their own bodies and health care.

american citizens having the right to marry whomever they choose. gay or straight.

I'm grateful that when I listen to my President speak, he inspires me.

He makes me want to believe in America when there are days I seriously have my doubts.

He brings tears to my eyes when he talks about the future of our children, because it's my children's future he is talking about. and I want everything for them.

and I'm grateful that after his amazing speech at the Democratic National Convention last night, that just maybe people who were on the fence have decided that they are going to vote for him to.

I spent most of my formative years with a President who didn't inspire me (or the Nation) at all. So now I will be SO grateful if I could get four more years with one who does.

Thanks for reading!

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