Sunday, May 27, 2012

Under Cover.

Today I am grateful for The Marsh.

I know. I know.

I'm ALWAYS grateful for The Marsh.

and why per i so grateful today?
(hehe, that totally rhymed!)

because a few weeks ago he bought me a beach umbrella. a very pretty blue beach umbrella with pretty blue polka dots. and I love it.

and while I haven't yet ventured out into the beaching world (it's not that freaking nice out), I have on occasion used it at my house. earlier in the week my fair skinned sister and i used it while sitting at the table on my deck so as to not tarnish our beautifully pale skin. (a.k.a. we are incapable of tanning so we might as well prevent the burn) Today, I very much enjoyed my new umbrella while my children were playing outside in their little pool.

It was gorgeous out today. and my babies wanted to play. sometimes i really enjoy sitting in the sunshine. pretending i'm getting a super awesome tan even though I just put half a bottle of spf 1000 on. today though, i had just a little bit of a headache and I knew sitting in the direct sunlight wasn't going to be my idea of a good time. So i grabbed my shiny new umbrella and stabbed it into my yard for some nice shade while the kiddos went crazy. it was lovely. they used up lots of energy. and i used up none, while i sat in my shaded little fold out chair with my book.

isn't that the life?

that was rhetorical. of course, it was the life. it was amazing. and i'm grateful that the marsh bought me the umbrella to make it happen. and i'm grateful for this life i have that allows me lazy sundays full of sunshine and books and happy babies.

Thanks for reading!

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